Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The 25 x 25 Campaign has begun!

Wouldn't it be great to look like the picture above on my wedding day? My quest is to lose 25 lbs in 25 weeks. I think it's pretty doable. It's a healthy goal and I have Weight Watchers and my gym to help me out. So, why in the world am I posting a diet on my blog? Well, because if I do, I am more apt to commit to it. I put this picture on our refridgerator too! :)
Fine print: I know that I could never look/get this thin. Seriously, I would have to starve myself for a year to get a flat stomach like that. But it is fun seeing what I might look like with arms I am not ashamed of.

1 comment:

Janna said...

Awesome Kym! I wanna play. Are you doing weight watchers online or in store??