Thursday, September 11, 2008

I heart this diet!

So far, I've lost officially 2.2 pounds, but I weigh in tomorrow and it's looking like another 1 -1 .5 will be gone. WOO-HOO!

Why do I love this diet so much? It fits within my lifestyle. I can have Subway sandwiches AND I can have Taco Bell, which most of you know is one of my weaknesses. Surprisingly, Taco Bell is pretty healthy if you order the right stuff: chicken and steak tacos fresco style, bean burritos (i like mine with extra red sauce and no onions) and even double decker tacos fresco style.

Another friend to me - Puffins, the high fiber cereal. I've been a fan for a long time but it's great to dump 3/4 cup in a plastic baggie and bring with me as a snack during the day.

And, best of all, I can still drink my beloved Diet Pepsi in the morning.

I'm doing Weight Watchers online, which really works for me.

I'm glad that I am posting this publicly. That way, when times get hard in a few weeks, or I hit a plateau, I can come back to this entry and remember how excited I was at one point.

1 comment:

joel said...

maintain a healthy lifestyle AND still have my bean burritos? really? sweet!

seriously, you don't know just how awesome this is.